Introducing the Appointment Advisory Committee
Superintendent, Jill Broussard has officially put together the Appointment Advisory Committee!!! This committee will serve a 1 year term that began December 1, 2024 and will end December 31, 2025. These individuals have been selected through an application and background check process to assist in the very important task of interviewing and weighing in on the selection of our county's school districts' governing board members when an appointment is necessary. This unique and diverse committee includes backgrounds in school administration, business ownership or management in the community, and raising children and/or grandchildren in our county. We are looking forward to the benefits the insight of this committee will provide and we appreciate the commitment these community members have dedicated. THANK YOU!
Pictured below left to right: Jill Broussard, Donna McBride, Corinne H. Teeple, Melvin D. Mitchell, Annette Lopez Jones, Paul N. Street