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Pinal County Superintendent Office


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2026 Governing Board Elections


School Jurisdictional Governing Board Elections Calendar

2026 School Governing Board Jurisdictional Elections Timetable

2026 Open Seats List

2026 Candidate Checklist & Guidelines

2026 Notices of Election Filed (COMING 2026)

Citizen Engagement Manual

Interactive School Districts Boundary Map

To see the Union School Districts, click on the layers button in the upper right and check the box that says 'Union School Districts'

School Governing Board Qualifications

Pursuant to ARS 15-421 (C), a person is eligible to run for a school governing board seat in Arizona when they meet the following qualifications:

  • Registered voter in the state of Arizona
  • Resident of the school district for at least one year immediately preceding the day of election

School governing board members cannot be an employee of the school district or be a spouse of a school district employee, including a person who directly provides certified or classified services to the school district as an employee of a third-party contractor.

Statement of Interest

According to ARS 16-311 (H), candidates must file a Statement of Interest Form with the Pinal County School Superintendent's Office before collecting nomination petition signatures.  You can file your Statement of Interest at any time.

Statements of Organization (Campaign Finance)

• Must be filed ONLY when a candidate receives contributions OR makes expenditures – in any combination – of at least       $1,400 for the 2026 General Election Cycle (a biennial adjustment took place in 2023 increasing the threshold to               $1,400.00; this includes the use of the candidate’s own monies (ARS 16-905 and 16-931)).
• Candidates who will NOT reach the $1,400 threshold are NOT required to file a Statement of Organization.
• If a candidate reaches the threshold, the Statement of Organization must be filed with the Pinal County School                   Office located at 75 N. Bailey St.| Florence, AZ 85132
• Candidates are no longer required to file this form before circulating petitions.

Filing Petition Signatures

The candidate filing period for the November 4, 2026 election begins Saturday, June 6, 2026 at 8:00 a.m. and closes Monday, July 6th at 5:00 p.m.  However, because the first day of filing occurs on a Saturday, our office will actually begin accepting election documents on Monday, June 8, 2026.  The filing location is the Pinal County School Superintendent’s Office located at 75 N. Bailey St. Florence, AZ 85132. Petitions presented before or after the established filing period CANNOT be accepted (ARS 16-311 (B)).

Candidates must file the following original documents with our office in order for their name to appear on the ballot:

2026 Nonpartisan Petition Signature Requirements (Coming 2026) 

2024 Nonpartisan Petition Signature Requirements (Use until 2026 updated numbers)

Interactive School Districts Boundary Map

(ARS 15-422ARS 16-321ARS 16-322,  ARS 16-314)

2 Year Term Candidates

**Candidates for Two (2) Year Terms MUST designate the term expiration date following the name of the office on the petitions prior to gathering signatures, as well as on the nomination papers (ARS 16-314 (D)).**

Write-In Candidates

A write-in candidate must file the following original document with our office NO EARLIER THAN June 6, 2026 at 8:00 AM and NO LATER THAN 5:00 PM on July 20, 2026.  However, because the first day of filing occurs on a Saturday, our office will actually begin accepting election documents on Monday, June 8, 2026.  Write in candidates are not required to file signatures.  In accordance with ARS 16-645; the Write-In Candidate must receive as many votes as signatures they would have needed to get on the ballot (ARS 16-312 and 16-410 and 16-645).  Write-In candidates must still file a Pinal County Committee Statement of Organization form if they raise & spend monies totaling $1,400.00 (money in/money out/raised/donated/candidate's own).

Write-In Candidate Nomination Paper 2026

Write-In Candidate Checklist & Guidelines

Candidate Withdrawal

School Board candidates who decide to have their name removed from the ballot must submit a notarized Statement of Withdrawal to the Pinal County School Superintendent's Office. Once a candidacy is withdrawn, if the candidate has registered a campaign committee, the committee is required to continue filing campaign finance reports until/unless the committee is terminated. Candidates who withdraw their name from the ballot cannot run as a write-in candidate for the same office.

Candidate Withdrawal Form 2026

Candidate 10-Day Challenge Period

Immediately following the candidate filing period, candidate's filing for candidacy (qualifications, nomination papers, petitions, etc.) can be challenged with the Pinal County Superior Court. The 10-day (business days) challenge period for the 2024 School Governing Board Elections is July 7, 2026 to 5:00 PM on July 20, 2026.  Please click HERE for more details.

Public Records Records Request


(ARS 16-351, ARS 16-351.01, ARS 16-311, ARS 16-312, ARS 16-341)

Cancelation of School Governing Board Election

If only one or no candidate files qualified nomination papers for a school district governing board member position by 5:00 PM on July 21, 2026, our office will recommend cancelation of the election to the Pinal County Board of Supervisors (BOS).

Under these circumstances, the candidate who has filed in a timely and appropriate manner may be appointed as if elected by the BOS to fill the school district’s governing board position (ARS 15-424 (D)). If no candidate files and the BOS opts to cancel the election, the vacancy shall be filled through the appointment process conducted by the County School Superintendent (ARS 15-424 (D) and 15-302).

Candidate Website Statements - This is Optional

Pursuant to ARS 15-421 (F), each candidate whose name has been certified to appear on the election ballot/write-in list may submit the following:

1.  A recent photograph.

2.  A typewritten or electronic statement, not to exceed 500 words.

3. A disclosure of any relationships by affinity, by consanguinity or by law to the third degree that exist between the candidate and any current governing board members or other candidates for election to the same governing board.

Certified Candidates may begin submitting the information described above NO EARLIER THAN Tuesday, July 7, 2026 and NO LATER THAN Thursday, September 10, 2026.

A signed hard copy of the candidate's statement can be delivered to our office or may be sent via email to nobrien@pinalcso.org from the candidate's email address on file with the Pinal County School Superintendent's Office.

Candidate Website Form 2026

Sign Ordinance Guidelines

Pinal County Campaign Sign Information